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Pengumuman Pendaftaran Beasiswa Pascasarjana skema IGSP
Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi Tahun 2014
upaya meningkatkan kualifikasi dosen dan calon dosen, Direktorat
Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi melalui Direktorat Pendidik dan Tenaga
Kependidikan membuka pendaftaran beasiswa pascasarjana Indonesian German
Scholarship Programme (IGSP) untuk alokasi tahun 2014. Program beasiswa
ini diperuntukkan bagi dosen tetap dan calon dosen pada perguruan
tinggi di lingkungan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yang akan
melanjutkan studi ke jenjang pendidikan Doktor (S3) di Jerman.
Bagi yang berminat melamar beasiswa tersebut, silakan mendaftar secara on-line melalui website: (untuk dosen) atau (untuk calon dosen). Melalui pendaftaran secara on-line ini, setiap pendaftar akan memperoleh nomor registrasi online.
Perlu kami sampaikan bahwa mulai tahun 2013 ini, sistem seleksi
berkas lamaran dilakukan melalui sistem online. Oleh karena itu, pelamar
yang dipanggil wawancara adalah mereka yang mengunggah berkas lamaran
secara lengkap dan memenuhi kriteria yang tercantum dalam Pedoman
Program Pascasarjana Luar Negeri Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi alokasi tahun
2013. Pedoman tersebut tersedia di laman
Seleksi wawancara beasiswa
pascasarjana melalui skema IGSP untuk studi PhD dimulai pada Winter
Semester 2014 akan dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2013 di Jakarta, Indonesia. Untuk itu, pendaftaran secara online dan pengunggahan berkas lamaran dilakukan paling lambat pada 15 Oktober 2013.
Demikian pemberitahuan kami. Atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang baik, kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Bachelor & Master, Utrecht Excellence Scholarships, Utrecht University, Netherlands
The Utrecht Excellence Scholarship offers a number of highly talented prospective students the opportunity to pursue a degree in a selected number of fields at Utrecht University:
International Bachelor’s programmes:
The scholarship programme is highly selective. Only candidates showing the highest achievement and promise may receive a scholarship.
Duration and number of scholarships
Selected students receive a scholarship for the duration of the degree programme, which is a maximum of two years for a Master’s degree and three years for a Bachelor’s degree. Approximately 55 scholarships are awarded each year. The scholarship will only be renewed for the second (and third) year if the student is making satisfactory progress towards the degree.
Amount of scholarship
Selected students are awarded a scholarship up to 28 350 euro per year. Students should be aware that the grant is not necessarily a full scholarship, and that it may be necessary to find additional funding to be able to finance study and stay completely. As one of the requirements for being granted a residence permit in the Netherlands, students from abroad must prove to the IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Office) that they have sufficient financial means.
Eligibility criteria
The applicant must meet the eligibility criteria in order to be considered for this scholarship. The applicant should:
Selection criteria
Eligible candidates are selected for a scholarship on the basis of the following criteria:
It is not possible to apply for the Utrecht Excellence Scholarship. The selection committee of the programme will select eligible candidates on the basis of the selection criteria mentioned above. The selected candidates will be offered an Utrecht Excellence Scholarship at the latest in May.
Please note that students starting their programme in February are not eligible for the Utrecht Excellence Scholarships.
Deadline: Prospective Bachelor’s students in Economics and Business Economics who wish to be considered for the scholarship should apply for admission before 1 April. Prospective Master’s students who wish to be considered for the scholarship should apply for admission before 1 December.
The funds for the scholarships come from the Utrecht Excellence Scholarship Fund, established by Utrecht University and from contributions by Utrecht University alumni.
For more information, please visit official website:
International Bachelor’s programmes:
- Economics and Business Economics
- Liberal Arts & Sciences at University College Utrecht
- Graduate School of Geosciences
- Graduate School of Humanities
- Graduate School of Law, Economics and Governance
- Graduate School of Life Sciences
- Graduate School of Natural Sciences
- Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
The scholarship programme is highly selective. Only candidates showing the highest achievement and promise may receive a scholarship.
Duration and number of scholarships
Selected students receive a scholarship for the duration of the degree programme, which is a maximum of two years for a Master’s degree and three years for a Bachelor’s degree. Approximately 55 scholarships are awarded each year. The scholarship will only be renewed for the second (and third) year if the student is making satisfactory progress towards the degree.
Amount of scholarship
Selected students are awarded a scholarship up to 28 350 euro per year. Students should be aware that the grant is not necessarily a full scholarship, and that it may be necessary to find additional funding to be able to finance study and stay completely. As one of the requirements for being granted a residence permit in the Netherlands, students from abroad must prove to the IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Office) that they have sufficient financial means.
Eligibility criteria
The applicant must meet the eligibility criteria in order to be considered for this scholarship. The applicant should:
- Not have the Dutch or an EU/EEA nationality;
- Hold a non-Dutch secondary school diploma;
- Have been admitted to an International Master’s programme within one of the Graduate Schools mentioned above, the Bachelor’s programme in Economics and Business Economics or to University College Utrecht;
- Hold a relevant Bachelor’s degree (for a Master’s programme) or secondary school diploma (for a Bachelor’s programme), or an equivalent thereof;
- Be able to comply with the conditions to obtain a Dutch visa;
Selection criteria
Eligible candidates are selected for a scholarship on the basis of the following criteria:
- Their academic excellence and promise in the proposed field of study;
- The academic quality and results of the preceding education, as evidenced, for example, by grades, test scores, publications, letters of recommendation;
- The quality and relevance of the motivation letter (academic content, intercultural and communication skills, personal motivation);
- The quality and feasibility of the financial plan in the application;
- The quality of the application itself (completeness, accuracy, consistency).
It is not possible to apply for the Utrecht Excellence Scholarship. The selection committee of the programme will select eligible candidates on the basis of the selection criteria mentioned above. The selected candidates will be offered an Utrecht Excellence Scholarship at the latest in May.
Please note that students starting their programme in February are not eligible for the Utrecht Excellence Scholarships.
Deadline: Prospective Bachelor’s students in Economics and Business Economics who wish to be considered for the scholarship should apply for admission before 1 April. Prospective Master’s students who wish to be considered for the scholarship should apply for admission before 1 December.
The funds for the scholarships come from the Utrecht Excellence Scholarship Fund, established by Utrecht University and from contributions by Utrecht University alumni.
For more information, please visit official website:
Sussex Graduate Scholarship, University of Sussex, UK
We are delighted to launch a prestigious new scholarship scheme for Sussex undergraduates.
The scholarships are available to students graduating from Sussex and progressing immediately on to full-time Masters studies in any school at the University (excluding the Brighton and Sussex Medical School and IDS. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic performance (First- and upper second-class honours degrees only) and only for the first year of postgraduate studies in the case of two year full-time masters degrees and 1+3 courses.
If you achieve a first class degree you are eligible for a £3,000 award if you achieve an upper second class degree you are eligible for a £2,000 award.
Type of award
Award amount
£3,000 fee waiver for First class degree, £2,000 fee waiver for 2:1 degree
In order to be considered for a Sussex Graduate Scholarship you must meet all of the following criteria:
If you are a current final year undergraduate Sussex student and intend to go on to study at Sussex for taught Masters study you will automatically be eligible for this scheme providing you achieve the degree classification required, meet the University’s general entrance requirements and apply for an eligible Masters course.
There is no separate application process for the Scholarship which is awarded automatically if you are eligible. However, you must apply for admission to an eligible Masters course by 1 August via the University’s online postgraduate application system:
If you are ineligible you will not be entitled to an appeal against the decision but may ask for information as to why you were deemed ineligible.
The deadline for application to an eligible Masters course is 1 August 2013.
Further information
If you accept a Sussex Graduate Scholarship you will be required to undertake occasional promotional or support duties for the University of Sussex at times agreed between yourself and the University (e.g. providing text for the prospectus or web page). Schools of study may have specific duties they wish you to assist with.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are the scholarships available to study in other universities
No, the Sussex Graduate Scholarship can only be held at the University of Sussex.
2. If I am a current Sussex student am I eligible?
Yes, this is for you if you are a final year undergraduate at the University of Sussex. But, you must be intending on going straight on to study an eligible full-time Masters course at Sussex immediately on completing your undergraduate studies in 2013. If you wish to take up this award, you are not permitted to defer.
3. I am an overseas student for fee purposes am I eligible to apply?
You are eligible if you are a current Sussex undergraduate student and do not intend to defer between completion of your undergraduate studies and your Masters. It does not matter if you are from the UK, EU or outside the EU.
4. If I am offered a scholarship but defer my place at Sussex, can the scholarship be carried over to the next year?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to carry over the scholarship to another year. However, if you intend to defer and are from the UK/EU and hold a first class degree from a UK University and meet our entrance requirements you may be eligible for the Chancellors Masters Scholarship. If you are classified as an overseas student for fee paying purposes and hold a good degree, you may wish to apply for one of the 25 Chancellors International Scholarships available for postgraduate taught study at Sussex.
5. If I have funding from another source can I also apply for a scholarship?
Yes – the scholarships are available to funded and self-financing students. However, you cannot be in receipt of this award and research council funding i.e. as part of the ESRC funded 1+3 scheme or AHRC funded masters courses. If you receive an additional fee waiver from a School or department at the University the total amount of the combined fee waivers cannot exceed the total amount of the tuition fee.
6. Are the scholarships available to study at research (MPhil / PhD) level?
No – however, there are scholarships for research students. There are 10 Chancellors International Scholarships available for overseas students intending on Doctoral study (which cover fee and living costs). There are a range of options for HEU students intending on Doctoral study.
7. Do I need to apply for a scholarship?
There is no separate application process for the Scholarship. This will be awarded automatically if you are eligible. However, you must apply for admission to an eligible Masters course by 1 August 2013 using the online postgraduate application service:
8. How will I receive the scholarship?
The scholarship is awarded in the form a partial tuition fee waiver. If you are awarded either £3,000 or £2,000 this will be automatically deducted from your tuition fees
9. When will I receive the scholarship?
Your account will be credited with either £3,000 or £2,000 once you have been admitted.
Contact details
The scholarships are available to students graduating from Sussex and progressing immediately on to full-time Masters studies in any school at the University (excluding the Brighton and Sussex Medical School and IDS. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic performance (First- and upper second-class honours degrees only) and only for the first year of postgraduate studies in the case of two year full-time masters degrees and 1+3 courses.
If you achieve a first class degree you are eligible for a £3,000 award if you achieve an upper second class degree you are eligible for a £2,000 award.
Type of award
Award amount
£3,000 fee waiver for First class degree, £2,000 fee waiver for 2:1 degree
In order to be considered for a Sussex Graduate Scholarship you must meet all of the following criteria:
- You must be a University of Sussex graduate progressing immediately (i.e. the following autumn) onto an eligible full-time Masters degree in 2013 (see below);
- You must achieve a First- or upper second-class undergraduate honours degree from the University of Sussex.
- You must have applied for your chosen full-time Masters degree by 1 August 2013 and then accept and meet the conditions of your offer; and
- You must meet the University’s entrance requirements
- Postgraduate diplomas
- Graduate Entry LLB
- Common Professional Examination (CPE)/Graduate Diploma in Law
- Graduate Diploma in Economics
- Masters degrees in Social Work
- Social Work post qualifying Masters degrees
- PGCE courses and schools direct teaching courses
- MSc Automotive Engineering
- Master of Education (two years part-time)
- MA degrees in IDS apart from the MA Gender and Development and the MA in Climate Change and Development
- Masters degrees at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School
- Pre-Masters degrees and diplomas taught at partner colleges which are validated by Sussex
- In addition, masters students who are funded by the research councils (e.g. those receiving ESRC funding for a 1+3 integrated masters and PhD and AHRC funded masters courses) are not eligible for the Sussex Graduate Scholarship.
If you are a current final year undergraduate Sussex student and intend to go on to study at Sussex for taught Masters study you will automatically be eligible for this scheme providing you achieve the degree classification required, meet the University’s general entrance requirements and apply for an eligible Masters course.
There is no separate application process for the Scholarship which is awarded automatically if you are eligible. However, you must apply for admission to an eligible Masters course by 1 August via the University’s online postgraduate application system:
If you are ineligible you will not be entitled to an appeal against the decision but may ask for information as to why you were deemed ineligible.
The deadline for application to an eligible Masters course is 1 August 2013.
Further information
If you accept a Sussex Graduate Scholarship you will be required to undertake occasional promotional or support duties for the University of Sussex at times agreed between yourself and the University (e.g. providing text for the prospectus or web page). Schools of study may have specific duties they wish you to assist with.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are the scholarships available to study in other universities
No, the Sussex Graduate Scholarship can only be held at the University of Sussex.
2. If I am a current Sussex student am I eligible?
Yes, this is for you if you are a final year undergraduate at the University of Sussex. But, you must be intending on going straight on to study an eligible full-time Masters course at Sussex immediately on completing your undergraduate studies in 2013. If you wish to take up this award, you are not permitted to defer.
3. I am an overseas student for fee purposes am I eligible to apply?
You are eligible if you are a current Sussex undergraduate student and do not intend to defer between completion of your undergraduate studies and your Masters. It does not matter if you are from the UK, EU or outside the EU.
4. If I am offered a scholarship but defer my place at Sussex, can the scholarship be carried over to the next year?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to carry over the scholarship to another year. However, if you intend to defer and are from the UK/EU and hold a first class degree from a UK University and meet our entrance requirements you may be eligible for the Chancellors Masters Scholarship. If you are classified as an overseas student for fee paying purposes and hold a good degree, you may wish to apply for one of the 25 Chancellors International Scholarships available for postgraduate taught study at Sussex.
5. If I have funding from another source can I also apply for a scholarship?
Yes – the scholarships are available to funded and self-financing students. However, you cannot be in receipt of this award and research council funding i.e. as part of the ESRC funded 1+3 scheme or AHRC funded masters courses. If you receive an additional fee waiver from a School or department at the University the total amount of the combined fee waivers cannot exceed the total amount of the tuition fee.
6. Are the scholarships available to study at research (MPhil / PhD) level?
No – however, there are scholarships for research students. There are 10 Chancellors International Scholarships available for overseas students intending on Doctoral study (which cover fee and living costs). There are a range of options for HEU students intending on Doctoral study.
7. Do I need to apply for a scholarship?
There is no separate application process for the Scholarship. This will be awarded automatically if you are eligible. However, you must apply for admission to an eligible Masters course by 1 August 2013 using the online postgraduate application service:
8. How will I receive the scholarship?
The scholarship is awarded in the form a partial tuition fee waiver. If you are awarded either £3,000 or £2,000 this will be automatically deducted from your tuition fees
9. When will I receive the scholarship?
Your account will be credited with either £3,000 or £2,000 once you have been admitted.
Contact details
David Geffen Foundation Scholarship, Musicians Institute, USA

To be considered for a David Geffen Foundation Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be currently enrolled full time in the Certificate in Music Business program, in a Music Business emphasis within an AA Degree, or the Music Industry Studies minor within the BM Degree.
- Complete a David Geffen Foundation Scholarship application (see application download instructions below). Eligibility is determined by a combination of demonstrated financial need, academic standing (minimum GPA of 3.0) and the quality and content of the scholarship essay (described below).
- Submit a 250-word essay explaining why you should be considered for the David Geffen Foundation Scholarship. Include your goals, financial situation (including the amount of tuition credit requested), and any other factors you consider relevant.
Tuition credit based on student need and available funds.
Application deadline
Applications are accepted at any time during a student’s full time enrollment. There is no deadline for application.
Musicians Institute
Scholarship Department
6752 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
For more information, please visit official website:
Murdoch International Postgraduate Scholarship (MIPS), Murdoch University, Australia
Murdoch International Postgraduate Studentships (MIPS) are funded by Murdoch University and are open to international students who wish to undertake a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Education (EdD) or Master by Research (MPhil).
Scholarships are awarded on academic merit, research experience and/or
potential. Applicants should possess an honours degree (at least upper
second-class honours) or equivalent.
Overseas students who are subsidised by the Australian Government on a tuition-only award will automatically be considered for a Murdoch International Postgraduate Scholarship (MIPS).
The MIPS scholarship provides a tax exempt living allowance of AUD $24,653 per annum (2013) as well as a tuition fee sponsorship and health insurance premiums. The health insurance covers the student and their spouse and dependants (if any) for the period of the MIPS.
Under the MIPS conditions, travel and relocation costs are the responsibility of the applicant however Murdoch University provides MIPS recipients with a (partial) allowance for relocation and airfares (based on receipts). Murdoch students also have access to a conference travel allowance once during the course of their degree, maintenance funding set by the Schools.
The award is for a maximum of three years for PhD and EdD studies and two years for MPhil. An extension of up to 6 months may be granted for PhD candidates.
How to apply
You must indicate that you would like to be considered for MIPS on your International Student Application for Admission & Scholarship.
Application Deadline
30 September 2013
For more information, please visit official website:
Overseas students who are subsidised by the Australian Government on a tuition-only award will automatically be considered for a Murdoch International Postgraduate Scholarship (MIPS).
The MIPS scholarship provides a tax exempt living allowance of AUD $24,653 per annum (2013) as well as a tuition fee sponsorship and health insurance premiums. The health insurance covers the student and their spouse and dependants (if any) for the period of the MIPS.
Under the MIPS conditions, travel and relocation costs are the responsibility of the applicant however Murdoch University provides MIPS recipients with a (partial) allowance for relocation and airfares (based on receipts). Murdoch students also have access to a conference travel allowance once during the course of their degree, maintenance funding set by the Schools.
The award is for a maximum of three years for PhD and EdD studies and two years for MPhil. An extension of up to 6 months may be granted for PhD candidates.
How to apply
You must indicate that you would like to be considered for MIPS on your International Student Application for Admission & Scholarship.
Application Deadline
30 September 2013
For more information, please visit official website:
ASF Scholarships, Amsterdam University College, Netherlands
Applications for ASF Scholarships are open to all students (Dutch and international).
The AUC Scholarship Fund offers two types of ASF Scholarship: Full
scholarships: EU students: EUR 5000 per year Non-EU students: EUR 15,000
per year Partial scholarships: EU students: EUR 2500 per year Non-EU students: EUR 7500 per year.
The AUC Scholarship Fund Board, consisting of representatives of the sponsors and AUC, is responsible for the selection and decides whether the applicant gets a full or a partial scholarship, following a recommendation from the ASF Selection Committee.
The ASF Scholarships are paid to the student in 12 monthly instalments. Please note that the scholarship cannot be used as a (partial) tuition fee waiver; students are responsible for paying the tuition fee themselves.

Selection criteria
Candidates wishing to apply for an ASF Scholarship must meet the following requirements.
Selection will be done in November 2013, and candidates will be notified of the results of the selection at the end of November 2013. No correspondence with the AUC Scholarship Fund Board about the selection will be accepted.
Conditions for receiving the ASF Scholarship
ASF Scholarships will only be awarded to selected persons who meet the following requirements. Persons who fail to meet the following requirements cannot receive financial support.
ASF Scholarship holders must meet the following requirements. ASF Scholarship holders who fail to meet the following requirements will have to refund the financial support.
It is expected that ASF Scholarship holders will participate in activities with AUC sponsors and other AUC contacts, including the AUC alumni network. The ASF Scholarship may be terminated if the holder unreasonably refuses to participate in such activities.
The AUC Scholarship Fund Board, consisting of representatives of the sponsors and AUC, is responsible for the selection and decides whether the applicant gets a full or a partial scholarship, following a recommendation from the ASF Selection Committee.
The ASF Scholarships are paid to the student in 12 monthly instalments. Please note that the scholarship cannot be used as a (partial) tuition fee waiver; students are responsible for paying the tuition fee themselves.

Selection criteria
Candidates wishing to apply for an ASF Scholarship must meet the following requirements.
- Candidates must have submitted a complete application for admission to AUC. For more information on applications and admissions, see links in left-hand menu.
- Candidates must have excellent school results and a strong motivation as reflected in their application and recommendation forms. The selection committee will also look at extracurricular accomplishments and activities relevant for AUC, as well as the future leadership profile/skills of the candidates.
- Candidates must demonstrate financial need (provide proof that it is financially impossible for them to study at AUC without a scholarship).
- The deadline for applications for an ASF Scholarship is 1 November 2013 for a Spring semester 2014 start. If you want to apply for an ASF Scholarship, you must write a scholarship motivation letter, explaining clearly why you think you deserve a scholarship, and why you are applying for one.
- In addition to your scholarship motivation letter, you must also send us proof of your financial need. Dutch candidates can do this by confirming to us that, according to the information from DUO – IB-Groep (studiefinanciering), and based on their family income, they will receive the maximum additional grant (maximale aanvullende beurs). When they start at AUC in September, these students will be asked to deliver a copy of their DUO – IB-Groep declaration that they are indeed receiving the maximum additional grant.
- International students need to send us copies of the salary statements of both parents or legal guardians, and preferably also their most recent tax returns. In order to be considered for the scholarship, the taxable income of both parents or legal guardians may not exceed EUR 45,000 or the equivalent in local currency. Ensure each document has the full name of the writer, contact telephone number and e-mail address. The documents must be accompanied with a signed declaration that all the documents have been filled in accurately and truthfully. (Download declaration form below.)
- Please send all documents for your ASF Scholarship application to the AUC Scholarship Fund e-mail address (see below), or by post to AUC (marked clearly “ASF Scholarship application, attn. Ms. D. Atkinson”). See link below for the AUC postal address.
- Clearly mark all documents as belonging to an ASF Scholarship application and add to each document your full name, contact telephone number and e-mail address.
Selection will be done in November 2013, and candidates will be notified of the results of the selection at the end of November 2013. No correspondence with the AUC Scholarship Fund Board about the selection will be accepted.
Conditions for receiving the ASF Scholarship
ASF Scholarships will only be awarded to selected persons who meet the following requirements. Persons who fail to meet the following requirements cannot receive financial support.
- An ASF Scholarship awardee must be fully admitted to Amsterdam University College. The ASF Scholarship cannot be transferred to another academic year or another academic programme.
- An ASF Scholarship awardee must have satisfied all visa and residence permit requirements, if applicable (see link below).
- An ASF Scholarship awardee must have proven both merit and financial need.
- An ASF Scholarship awardee may not receive another full coverage scholarship for the same period of study as the ASF Scholarship. AUC must be notified (contact the AUC Scholarship Fund, see link below) if the student has been awarded another full scholarship, and which scholarship the student has decided to accept.
- An ASF Scholarship awardee may not also receive an ASF-DAP Award.
ASF Scholarship holders must meet the following requirements. ASF Scholarship holders who fail to meet the following requirements will have to refund the financial support.
- ASF Scholarship holders must maintain good academic standing: they are expected to have a GPA of at least 3.0 and preferably to be on the excellence list (GPA =3.5). The ASF Scholarship may be terminated if their GPA falls below 3.0, if they enter a period of academic probation or if they have to end their studies before graduating.
- If the ASF Scholarship holder decides to quit studying at AUC, the ASF Scholarship payments already received by the holder must be reimbursed to the AUC Scholarship Fund in full.
- has successfully passed the first year (a GPA of at least 3.0 and preferably to be on the excellence list with a GPA = 3.5
- receives a positive recommendation at the end of the academic year from his/her tutor and the Board of examiners
- can prove that the financial need base has not changed.
It is expected that ASF Scholarship holders will participate in activities with AUC sponsors and other AUC contacts, including the AUC alumni network. The ASF Scholarship may be terminated if the holder unreasonably refuses to participate in such activities.
Beasiswa Eka Tjipta Foundation – Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung (ITSB)
PROGRAM BEASISWA TSBD (Tjipta Sarjana Bangun Desa) ETF
ITSB bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Eka Tjipta Foundation membuka kesempatan bagi siswa dengan prestasi akademik baik untuk mengikuti program beasiswa di tingkat Sarjana (S1) untuk Program Studi yang ada di ITSB
Tersedia beasiswa untuk 30 anak dengan prestasi akademik terbaik dan diutamakan bagi pendaftar awal untuk melanjutkan kuliah di ITSB.
Mengisi formulir pendaftaran dengan dilengkapi persyaratan sbb:
Persyaratan Khusus:
Waktu pendaftaran dan penyerahan berkas persyaratan dimulai tanggal 1 Januari 2013 – 31 Juli 2013 di kampus ITSB Deltamas – Cikarang
Seleksi wawancara akan diinformasikan. Lokasi seleksi di kampus ITSB – Kota Deltamas – Cikarang
ITSB bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Eka Tjipta Foundation membuka kesempatan bagi siswa dengan prestasi akademik baik untuk mengikuti program beasiswa di tingkat Sarjana (S1) untuk Program Studi yang ada di ITSB
Tersedia beasiswa untuk 30 anak dengan prestasi akademik terbaik dan diutamakan bagi pendaftar awal untuk melanjutkan kuliah di ITSB.
- Desain Produk Industri (8 anak)
- Teknik Metalurgi dan Material (8 anak)
- Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (6 anak)
- Teknik Eksplorasi Tambang (8 anak)
- Teknik Perminyakan (5 anak)*
- Biaya Akademik
- Biaya Tunjangan
Mengisi formulir pendaftaran dengan dilengkapi persyaratan sbb:
Persyaratan Khusus:
- Rata-rata nilai rapor kelas 12, nilai UAS dan UAN minimal 8 lebih (selain prodi Teknik Perminyakan). Rata – rata rapor kelas XII, UAS dan UAN untuk Prodi Teknik Perminyakan minimal 9 lebih.
- Fotocopy bukti pembayaran listrik 3 bulan terakhir
- Fotocopy kartu keluarga
- Fotocopy kartu pelajar
- Fotocopy rapor kelas X – XII ( Semester 1 – 6) yang telah dilegalisir
- Fotocopy KTP dan Akte Kelahiran (Surat Kenal Lahir).
- Fotocopy Ijazah yang dilegalisir Kepala Sekolah dan Fotocopy SKHUN yang telah dilegalisir dari Kepala Sekolah.
- Fotocopy Rapor kelas 1,2,3 yang telah dilegalisir.
- Surat Berkelakuan Baik dari Kepala Sekolah.
- Surat pernyataan dari sekolah yang menyatakan siswa memiliki potensi akademik.
- Pas foto 3×4 (2lbr) dan 2×3 (2lbr)
Waktu pendaftaran dan penyerahan berkas persyaratan dimulai tanggal 1 Januari 2013 – 31 Juli 2013 di kampus ITSB Deltamas – Cikarang
Seleksi wawancara akan diinformasikan. Lokasi seleksi di kampus ITSB – Kota Deltamas – Cikarang
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